Friday, May 27, 2011

dress for Lucy

Every spring it seems I end up doing a bunch of "refashioning"- mostly for the girls.
Lots of my skirts or shirts into dresses, skirts or shirts for them, their dresses that are too short into skirts or something of that nature.
I love it.
It makes the clothes go further, it saves a bunch of cash and it is a fun, creative and usually quick sewing project for me.  Three things I love.  And the kids are usually quite thrilled with the results.

The summer is quickly approaching and in my fury to get organized and packed for our trip to California and Manitoba I realized that the kids really don't have a whole lot of clothes for hot weather.
Costa Rica clothes are outgrown and/or not grown into yet (the hand-me-downs) and everything for here is pretty moderate.  It is going to be hot, especially in CA (the thing I am definitely dreading about going back for the summer - not excited about the 100 degrees!).

So I have taken to my years long habit of altering clothes.
Lucy has a bunch of of shirts she won't wear (too plain!) or are too small, so I am making them into some dresses.
 I started cutting before I remembered that I wanted to take a picture.  I used one shirt that was too small, one shirt that was too plain and a relatively good but stained man's shirt for some white too.
 Here's what I came up with.

 I initially asked Lucy if I could take a picture or two of her in her new dress and headband.
That turned into a full photo shoot with her definitely being in charge!

 We quickly went from one or two pictures to over 60!
Most of them were her sniffing flowers or standing beside flowers or showing one of the many faces of Lucy.

 We also took several of her sporting some nerd glasses!
Maddy and some friends were making a movie and used these fabulous 3D movie glasses turned geek spectacles for one of the characters.
Lucy took to them immediately.
Pretty cute nerd.

The dress is a little shorter than I would have preferred but when you are making it from little t-shirts and stained big shirts, you are a little limited with fabric.  It will still be fine and last for the summer and then will be great with leggings once we are back here for fall.

There will probably be another dress or two in the future....

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