Friday, February 11, 2011

the up and coming useless holiday

Okay, okay, it isn't useless
(for those of you who can't seem to show your love to people the other 364 days of the year)
I jest.
Sort of.
Okay, no really, I jest.

Eric really likes that I feel this way about Valentine's Day.
It's like his get out of jail free card.

Maybe it's just because I'm not really into hearts.
Maybe it is because I'm not a big fan of pink.

But quite frankly, as far as I'm concerned, the only good thing about Valentine's Day is the Target clearance sales on the candy.
More chocolate is always a good thing.

unless you're my waistline.....

Okay, I do actually like helping the kids make fun and creative Valentine's for their classmates too.
And sometimes the treats to take to their parties.

My son, however, seems to really like Valentine's Day.
Last weekend, he spontaneously - like with out any talk about it, any suggestions from anyone - decided to make Valentine's decorations for our house.
It was really sweet, cute and mushy and I love him for it.
Although I really loved him a whole lot before.....

Anyway, I will now feature his decorating ideas.
Perhaps it will spur you on to love and good deeds or something.

(like all the many paint colors displayed about the tile? difficult to know how to paint to cover up four other colors non-perfectionistic painters left...)
Yes, there is a lovely smattering of hearts throughout the house.
I did not photograph them all.
But the Piece de RĂ©sistance:
Now that is cuteness.
I am particularly fond of the 1.5 inch masking tape with which it is adhered.

So I decided to join into the spirit of the celebration.
I have hauled some Valentine's decorations, that I got for about 20 cents each, across the boarders of several countries.
I may as well use them.

Living Room:
Yup, that's all I got.
Stunning, isn't it?

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