Wednesday, December 15, 2010

putting classmate gifts together - Dec. 13

We have been doing our daily Christmas activities.
I just haven't been documenting all of them.

The one good thing about not selling all of the little things at the craft sale is that now we have lots of gifts to give all our friends.
This is the first year that I am not having the kids make gifts for all their classmates and teachers.
They are already made.... and it cuts down on a lot of hassle and headache.
And the kids don't seem to mind..... besides, they helped with making some of the stuff anyway.
(Does is sound like I am trying to convince myself so that I don't feel guilty about not having them make everything?
Yup, I am.)

They are, however, still busy making and putting on the tags.
The girls in the classes are getting flower or button hairclips and the boys are getting little hot cocoa packs.
Teachers of the "specials" - music, computer, Spanish, etc. are getting earrings or clips or hot cocoa packs.
"Real teachers" (aka: homeroom teacher...their main teachers) are going to get rhinestone t-shirts made by yours truly.
That is on today and tomorrow's docket..... plus making a million cupcakes and what-not-else for all of the last day of school Christmas parties.
Busy, busy.

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