Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas crafting with Casa G.

I had decided a while ago that I wanted to make something with the Casa G. guys so that they would have a gift to give their families if they went to visit for Christmas.
So we had a craft afternoon on the the 23rd.
We made glittery hurricanes like this.

First, naturally, we needed to take pictures.
We are always taking pictures of the boys.
They love love love having their pictures taken and then have me post them on Facebook.

They liked the snowman cut-out as well!

Then on to crafting.
Most of them really got into it and did a great job.

They love to make things and I think really enjoyed the idea of making something to give.
Alejandro and stars.

There was glitter absolutely everywhere.
Jesús and angels.

Lizandro and Christmas trees.

Did I mention that there was glitter everywhere?

Some of the final products.
And Lucy giving her final okay after her inspection....

We also had the guys choose two items from the stuff left over from the craft sale - mainly headbands and earrings - that they could give to sisters, mothers, aunts or whomever.
They seemed pretty excited and thankful for that too.

I foresee more craft days in the future.
You'd never think these tough, cool guys - guys who used to live on the streets, who used to be drug addicts, thieves, abusers, you-name-it, would get into glitter and candles and glass.
But they loved it.

And did I mention that there was glitter everywhere?

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