Sunday, September 5, 2010

my daughter's a mom!

No, that does not make me a grandma.
Okay, so she is not really a mom, but it certainly seems like it!!
She finally got her kitty - horrah!!
Little Nolly has finally arrived. I have no idea how much she weighs, or her length, but she is teeny tiny, cute as can be, and I'm sure her "apgar" was great. And the mother couldn't be more thrilled.
Actually, being the ridiculously frugal person that I am, I'm pretty thrilled too - because Nolly was free. Now that is a price I can afford.
One would think that Nolly is Maddy's child with how she is mothering her. It is pretty darn sweet. A tad bit excessive, to put it mildly, but very sweet.
I'm a little concerned for school tomorrow. Not sure if Maddy is going to be able to focus on classes.
Fortunately (?) she has entrusted, reluctantly, the care of kitty into my almost capable hands.
Even though I have raised (and of course, am currently raising) four children, I am not quite to be trusted in the area of kitty-sitting.

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