Monday, September 27, 2010

family picture

Just had a little break from blogging.
Got a call from school. My poor little Lu-lu is sick.
I was about to leave when my neighbor got home from grocery shopping - so she took me to pick up my baby. That way we didn't have to walk home.
Thank you Lord, once again, for a wonderful neighbor.

Okay - and just one more thing that I have finally been able to do.
Another thing I have wanted to do for quite some time (this is what happens when you have a year or more to have your brain go crazy with ideas but not have the ability or opportunity to actually do them):
A family silhouette picture.
I love all the silhouette pictures that you see now - especially a lot of kids profiles.
I wanted to do something a little different.
I about drove my family batty with doing this, but I think it is worth it!
We took pictures in front of a window (three of us at a time, and then one of the middle two, Eric and Mia) to get as close to a silhouette as possible. Then I printed off the pictures in black and white, enlarged them, connected them, glued them to some contact paper (old and wrinkly, however - so it made the job a little tricky) and cut them out.
Then I stuck the contact paper cut outs onto a canvas, painted white, and painted over it with leftover paint from Maddy's room. Peeled off the contact paper cut outs and ta-da! Family silhouette picture! Because the contact paper was so old and wrinkly I had a bunch of touching up to do, but I was pretty thrilled that it worked anyway.
They have all these wonderful fancy tools nowadays to make something like this much easier, but I had to do it the old fashioned way.
I'm convincing myself that making stuff out of very little gives me a bigger sense of accomplishment.
I do love how it turned out though. Kind of a fun twist on the silhouette trend.

And Julie from Kitschy Chic on the Cheap featured it on her most fabulous blog - my favorite of several I visit...she is terribly, horribly (I mean, like really and those good kind of words...) creative but I love love love how she brings in history and education into it all. It is so much more than most crafty blogs.
She is brilliant - and I am her friend.
Does that make me brilliant?
See her post here.


  1. I love this idea Carla!!!!!! So creative!!!!!
    <3 Kimmy :)

  2. Wonderful Carla!!! As usual, I am blown away by your ingenuity. I want to do guest's crafts on my blog. Can I post this? Send me a jpeg of your finished product : ) Love it!

  3. Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase Party! I greatly appreciate it! I'll be featuring this today - stop by and grab a feature button if you like. Hope you are enjoying your week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  4. I love what you did. Good job!

  5. this is BEAUTIFUL!! If you have a chance come link up to handmade tuesdays @ ladybug blessings tomorrow.

  6. Thanks so much for coming and linking up! I am featuring it, so come by and grab a button!!

  7. I'm interested in using your photo for one of my designs. Please contact me to give you more details on the project. Thank you.
