Also known as prickly pear (although I'm not totally sure what that is all about since it didn't feel very prickly to me....and it tastes nothing like a pear). The outside is softish and here, at least, is green. The inside is a beautiful reddish orange. My lack of photography skills does not do the fruit justice. Very sad.
Now, I think the one I chose was a little overripe and so not the bestest. However, it still was a rather tasty treat. Slightly reminiscent of
This would be a really good fruit to make some yummy batido or juice with.
Definitely recommended.
Now, on to the rooster.
The rooster is not a fruit. The rooster lives in our neighborhood somewhere. I know not where, but I will find him.
And he could even be enjoyable - crispy fried and served on a platter. As of right now, however, he is not being enjoyed AT ALL.
Mr. Rooster does not know his job.
Mr. Rooster cock-a-doodle-doos, in Spanish (sounds VERY much like the english roosters) at all hours of the day. Maybe it is mating season? Anyway, it doesn't really matter what season it is because it is extremely aggravating. Now I admit, I exaggerate. He doesn't speak, so to speak, at all hours of the day. He generally (okay, it has only been two nights) begins at 3:30 a.m...... no where near when the sun comes up..... and continues on until about 6:30 or 7:00 p.m. That rules out nap time and half of a solid night sleep time.
You may suggest going to bed earlier and then just getting up early, like so many of my morning-type-person friends do. One problem. I am NOT a morning person. Especially at 3:30 a.m. morning person.
Now combine this with the party that went until about 2:00 a.m. last night.... Please put on your thinking caps and calculate about how much sleep I got.
1.5 hours.
So yes, I am a grumpy bear today.
Tomorrow might be worse.
Please pray for me.
Better yet, pray for my children.
Even better yet, pray for the rooster.
His days are numbered.
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